The City on Seven Hills
Saturday, April 07, 2007
In the Roman period, Amman was a favorite to Roman soldiers because, like Rome, it was built on seven hills. Today, the city spans over 13 hills. But can anyone list the original seven?
let me give it a try
1- jabal amman
2- jabal al-hussien
3- jabal al-weibdeh
4- jabal al-nouzha
those 4 im sure of
then there's:
5- jabal al-natheef
6- jabal al-taj
7- jabal el-naser
8- jabal al-natheef
9- jabal al-mareekh
I think The original ones are the ones surrounding the Qal3a.
1- Jabal El Qalaa
2- Jabal Amman
3- Jabal Lwaibdeh
4- Jabal Jofeh (behind the roman amphetheatre
5) Jabal El Taj/Ashrafyyeh
6) Jabal El Qosoor
7) Jabal el Hussain
I'm not positive, but wanted to help. Confidence level in the 80% range
1-al husain
4-al nadeef
5-al ashrafeya
6-al taj
7-al qal3ah
please Qwaider, we do not have any amphitheatres in Jordan, they are theatres. Amphitheatres are like the Colesium in Rome - either circular or nearly circular! T
Joladies, My bad. I thought that's what is called.
Why does it matter? Are they coming back ?
yes Qwaider it's called "Mudarraj Romani" Roman Amphitheatre ..
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