Here's the Problem; Just Don't Expect a Solution

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The February 21st edition of The Jordan Times printed an BBC info-graphic entitled "Majority reject 'clash of civilizations'". The graphic states,
A majority of people around the world do not believe that Islam and the West are locked in an inevitable violent struggle and think that common ground can be found, according to a recent poll. Most respondents blamed current tensions on political interests and intolerant minorities on both sides.

Here are some of the poll statistics:

Cause of tensions between Islam and West
52% - Political power and interests
29& - Religious/cultural differences
19% - Don't know

Relationship between Muslim and Western cultures
56% - Possible to find common ground
28% - Violent conflict inevitable
16% - Don't know

In other words, eighty-one percent of the polled population attribute the cause of current tensions on political power/interest and religious/cultural differences, neither of which are going away any time soon. So if the cause of the tensions aren't going away, how then do we expect to find resolutions? It appears that "common ground", in this instance, means that one side is still going to end up with the short end of the stick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Compromises on both sides need to be made... that's inevitable. The difference are not going to go away, and the rising populations are not going to away any time soon either

2/21/2007 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

make the world a better place, punch Qwaider in the to aface

2/21/2007 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“In other words, eighty-one percent of the polled population attribute the cause of current tensions on political power/interest and religious/cultural differences, neither of which are going away any time soon. “

The real message here is the 52% attributing the problem to political power/interest. Therefore, change may come much sooner than you think (i.e., one would hope by Nov. 2008). This war among civilizations after all is primarily a US vs. Islam (and some times US vs. world) issue rather than West vs. Islam.

The Islam-phobia created by the US administration has clearly been used and abused to manipulate public opinion. However, scare tactics often backfire—paranoia will destroy ya as the saying goes. The congressional elections last fall provided clues (FINALLY) that the average American is not dead or completely brain-washed. So at this point, I am looking forward to a world when the president of the most powerful country in the world does NOT use phrases such “Islamic fascists”…”stay the course”…or better yet in his most recent press conference “we are fighting a THINKING enemy” DUH.

2/21/2007 11:43 PM  
Blogger Madi said...

I think the problem is simpler than that and it doesn't go beyond Western ignorance about Islam, Muslims and Muslims Ignorance of Western cultural.

2/22/2007 10:19 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

While I agree that the US is largely to blame for a lot of the current tensions between East and West, let's not forget other "Western" stupidities that have caused an uproar (i.e. the Danish cartoons, the Pope's comments on Islam).

The fact of the matter is that if we remove the East vs. West tensions, that opens us up for much more East vs. East tensions (which never seem to go away).

2/22/2007 10:53 AM  
Blogger Moey said...

Anonymous said...

make the world a better place, punch Qwaider in the to aface


2/23/2007 11:14 AM  
Blogger nuh ibn zbigniew gondek said...

Peace and goodness.

I write poetry, articles, essays and short fiction for a largely Muslim audience. Come on by when you have some time to read.

Be well,

nuh ibn

2/27/2007 10:29 PM  
Blogger Solid_Snake said...

the real problem lies in the American citizens, they dunno any real thing! plus they r not seeking to know! When they hear Islam it means terror, anyway God save Islam and Muslims.

3/09/2007 1:48 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Solid_Snake, that's quite a blanket, definitive and personal statement you have made.

3/10/2007 2:08 PM  

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