Things That Bother Me: Arab Female Pop Singers

Monday, April 24, 2006

Why is it that so many Arabic female pop singers look like a bunch of skanky clones with too much eye make-up? While I'll admit that most American or British female pop singers are pretty skanky in their own right, when it comes to Arabic female pop singers, they all look like they've been cut from the same mold: overly white with way too much black eye make-up.

Not only do they all look the same, but to me they all sound the same. Obviously the concept of individuality hasn't yet reached this market. What happened to accentuating the natural female Arabic beauty?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I'm an American Citizen living in Amman, Jordan. Sadly, I will soon leave this beautiful country. I must agree with you. Arab female pop singers do where too much makeup, and dress quite skanky. But it doesnt really bother me (I just stick to listening to my preferred music). And as a foreign diplomat to the U.S. (including every other nation), we must respect the cultures that the Arabs follow. And as you said American pop singers do look VERY skanky and SLUTTY!! just take a look at Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera for example. Well bye, Its nice to know there's another American in Jordan with a solid opinion.


7/19/2006 3:02 AM  

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