Where There Is A Traffic Jam...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Where there is a traffic jam in Amman, it's a pretty good bet that the police are directing traffic. I kid you not, when it comes to controlling traffic flow, these guys are utterly useless.

Just before they started the 4th Circle Crater, I sat for 7 minutes waiting for the police officer in charge to allow the right-of-way for my line of traffic. During that time period, the officer allowed traffic coming from the west to flow for 6 minutes. After that, traffic from the east were permitted to flow for an entire minute before he opened it up to traffic from the north.

Just this morning, I sat for 20 minutes on Wadi Saqra while waiting to clear the intersection. During that time period, I only moved about 20 meters. One meter per minute; way to go guys. Keep up the good work!

Here's how I think the process works. The police recruitment officer walks out on the street asks some poor schmoe, "How would you like to become a police officer? Really? Great, here's your badge. Now go direct some traffic."


Blogger Madame Chiang said...

I wanted to comment on your recent post but couldn't find the comment link...anyway...

I used to live just off the fourth circle and know just how frustrating it is...fortunately for me my drive home was up from the third circle and therefore could nip through the back lanes to just near the Amman Hotel....but some days that junction is just hellish...

4/19/2006 12:04 PM  

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