I have heard them on the radio before. its an okay show I dont know how people like it that much.
at least she is not trying to 'syndicate' howard stern show!
She was extremely nice, I salute her sense of humor.
but instead of syndication, why cant she come up with something original? its not like amman has no radio talent. do you guys remember the glory days of mohannad al jazeera? I miss his classic show in the nineties big time.
I have heard them on the radio before. its an okay show I dont know how people like it that much.
at least she is not trying to 'syndicate' howard stern show!
She was extremely nice, I salute her sense of humor.
but instead of syndication, why cant she come up with something original? its not like amman has no radio talent. do you guys remember the glory days of mohannad al jazeera? I miss his classic show in the nineties big time.
That was the most entertaining 10.06 minutes of my work day.
Thanks, that was fun.
Since the Queen was on Oprah, people ask about her often when I mention I'm from Jordan.
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